320 FM pure electronic music
In The Mix 147 | Tony Kay Tony Kay
Electronic Groove takes another step forward with the introduction of ‘EG News’, its new Soundcloud podcast, showcasing the most important developments in entertainment and electronic dance music. ‘EG News’ will be available every Friday via the streaming platform.
This new format enables users and Electronic Groove followers to stay updated as they hear the latest news covered on the go, allowing EG to reach a wider audience as it connects brands and artists with their fans.
“As we tread at the forefront of technology in our space, we understand the shifts in the way people consume content today, and that’s why we are proud to introduce ‘EG News’, enabling us to stay connected with our followers, even in this hectic and demanding landscape,” says EG founder Mauricio Viana about the new development.
‘EG News’ will also showcase our selected ‘Track Of The Week’, as we continue to champion the best sounds in electronic dance music. On this first delivery, you can hear EGR’s ‘Prototype – Headstream (Futura City & Freedo Mosho Rework)’ playing.
Listen to the first installment of ‘EG News’ below.
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2015 by 320 FM. Made with ♥ in Hannover.
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