320 FM pure electronic music
In The Mix 148 | Tony Kay Tony Kay
Photo credit: Joy Orbison – Official
Joy Orbison has teamed up with emerging Southend talent Joe James for their new single ‘Bastard,’ released through XL Recordings. The release is accompanied by a striking visual directed by Josh Renaut.
The collaboration emerged naturally during an impromptu studio session in west London. According to Orbison, the creative chemistry was instant, with James bringing a fresh perspective that pushed both artists into unexplored territory.
The track’s authenticity shines through in its one-take vocal recording. James, perched on a studio sofa, delivered his verses with a natural, unaffected flow that perfectly complements the production’s moody undertones.
Orbison describes the track as a rare moment where the magic was immediately evident. The producer found himself repeatedly listening to the track on his journey home, drawn in by James’ storytelling and the track’s atmosphere.
Listen to ‘Bastard’ below and download your copy here.
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